Jordon Lee

Software Engineer

I enjoy making things and sharing them on the web. My interest in software development started back in 2014 when I decided to take robotics class in high school. Robotics has taught me important problem-solving and teamwork skills. In my personal time, I am learning web development by contributing to open source projects and working on personal projects. My skillset focuses on backend technologies, however recently I have been learning frontend technologies, like JavaScript and React.


Wordpress and Woocommerce Store

A ecommerce store, built with Wordpress and Woocommerce. Uses a custom built theme and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin for page speed and customization. Utilizes Cloudflare Firewall and Cloudflare Zero Trust for security.

Wordpress Woocommerce JavaScript TailwindCSS ACF Cloudflare

headless ecommerce image
Crazy Eights Card Game

A web application to play the classic game Crazy Eights with Uno-like rules. Invite your friends and family to play. Requires 4 players to start playing.

React Nodejs TypeScript SocketIO Dokku

Crazy eights image
3D Printing Service Website

A website for a 3D printing service, created with Midjourney.

HTML CSS JavaScript Midjourney

3d print service image
Grocery Price Tracker

A Chrome extension and database to track prices of food at grocery stores. Inserts price graphs on to store website and scrapes prices.

HTML CSS TypeScript PostgreSQL Nodejs

grocery price tracker image
Crypto Tax Calculator

A web application to calculate your taxes for the Canadian crypto exchange, Shakepay. Integration with Ethereum Blockchain via Etherscan API and Coingecko API.

React Nodejs Dokku

crypto tax image
3D Chair Generator

A python script that takes 3D chair models and mixes the parts around to create more 3D chair models. The output models are then scored by an AI. This was part of a group school project. The code is private due to school policies.

Python ModernGL

3D chair image

Contact Me

I do not use any lead-generating platforms to contact individuals, please be aware of phishing scams using my name.